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Taking Care of Our Own Fund - Temporarily Closed

Taking Care of Own Fund (TCOOF) is a mutual aid fund that provides urgent, life-impacting, health-sustaining support to Atlanta’s Black, queer and trans communities from emergency bailouts, housing, and bill assistance. The goal of our fund is to increase community health and safety  and to simply take care of the members in our base and the larger TGNC community in crisis.

We have had a fruitful and exciting year! Together, we have successfully provided up to $70,000  to secure permanent housing, provide emergency housing placement,  paid outstanding medical bills and individual bails. This would not be possible without your generous donation towards our mutual aid fund: The Taking Care of Our Own Fund. 


To prepare for 2024, we are closing the Taking Care of Our Own Fund for the remainder of the year. If you are still in need of support, we are happy to connect you with our partnered organizations in the community. 

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